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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Breeding Angelfish: Can You Make Money At It?

When it comes to breeding angelfish, you can end up making quite a good profit as well as having a hobby which is fun and satisfying; however you shouldn't jump into breeding angelfish lightly because there is a lot of information which you need to know before you get started. Breeding angelfish requires patience and care, so if you don't have both of these qualities, then don't attempt it! If you are interested in breeding your angelfish, then read this article for some helpful advice.

Before you can begin the mating process, you need to acquire both a male and a female angelfish. This is one of the most difficult points of breeding angelfish because there is no reliable way to tell the sex of immature angelfish. The best way to solve this problem is to buy a large group of angelfish; around six will give you a 95% chance of having a male and a female in the group. This can also allow the pair to hook up naturally and form a stronger bond for mating. You should always try to choose angelfish of the same color variety because this will ensure a good standard of offspring which will be easier to re home than 'mutt' fry from different color varieties.

When it comes to the angelfish's breeding behaviour, they usually tend to pair up and begin to show signs of spawning between the ages of eight and twelve months, but slower growing angelfish might take a little bit longer. When a pair begins the mating ritual, you will notice that the fish will embark upon jaw locking battles but they will soon begin chasing away other tank dwellers. Angelfish will spend a lot of time swimming next to each other as well as defending their area of the aquarium when they begin to show signs of pairing up. When this happens you should remove the pair into a separate tank.

When considering the tank set up, you should note that the breeding tank should be around 18 inches in height and have a water capacity of at least 20 gallons at a minimum. 30 gallons is usually better because it will give extra room for when the fry hatch, but this varies from each breeder. You should also have a sponge filter, a heater and some wide leaved live plants to give a good mating environment. Most angelfish will lay their eggs on vertical surfaces so you might consider using a piece of slate in the tank as a surface for them to lay their eggs.

The author has created a quality review site that has the latest breeding angelfish information available.

Please go to

For more information click here

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