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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

THIS is How YOU Make Money with the Arbonne Compensation Plan

As an industry giant, Arbonne has a lucrative compensation plan. A self-funded proposal is an integral part of maximizing your Arbonne income. By doing this you will establish a large list of interested prospects, cover any advertising prospects and create another income stream while adding new distributors to your team.

To be upfront, I'm not am Arbonne distributor but I teach many of their distributors how to market their business's successfully. A critical first step is the a self funded proposal. Follow up your primary product or service, Arbonne in this case, after building value with an initial lower priced product. A great example are cell phone companies. You are given a free phone, or one at a low price, in order to agree to sign a two year service contract. Long term residual income is created by offering the free phone. You can do the same thing with Arbonne. With Arbonne you need to offer some quality generic MLM training to establish your credibility and then follow up with the Arbonne opportunity.

You can tell you've got a great prospect when they have actually plunked down a few bucks to invest in their business. They put their money where their mouth is.

Target people that are already interested in building a MLM business. Stay focused. There is no need to waste time on unqualified people that haven't expressed any interest in the industry. Work with people that have put their money where their mouth is.

Acting as a filter, a self funded proposal allows you to be more efficient with your time. It sorts out people who are not good Arbonne prospects and leaves you with those that are serious. You get rid of those that would never maximize the Arbonne compensation plan. You can filter out the tire-kickers automatically.

Notice that there isn't any mention of Arbonne in this process. Never lead with your primary business. You must stand out from the crowd by providing them with a system that they can use to build. Position yourself properly and don't be some spammy marketer. Even if you are new to the industry you can still position yourself properly because you can align yourself with quality upfront products that have been proven to work. Over time, as you develop a relationship then you can present your Arbonne opportunity.

This is what you need to get going:

1. Get a Website with a Capture Page - To be clear, this is NOT your Arbonne site! In today's environment, people don't join companies, they join you! Learn leadership skills and position yourself accordingly. Build your OWN list of candidates and do this by collecting names, emails and phone numbers.

2. It's All about Traffic! - Get eyeballs to your site. There are lots of ways to get traffic. I'll explain specific details in a future article.

3. Get Auto-Responders - Establish a relationship by sending out quality MLM training that people can implement right away. Do this automatically with an auto-responder system.

4. Sales Page - This is where your prospects purchase your front end training and services.

Mike Dillard has the best front end training to offer and I would encourage you to use his stuff. The boys at MLM Lead System Pro have taken his stuff and put it into a fully integrated marketing system. Here is an example:

By selling quality MLM training upfront you achieve two objectives: 1) You get high quality prospects that have already invested money (which shows commitment) and 2) You begin to separate yourself from the crowd with your quality training and follow up.

You are now the go to person. When it comes to making a business decision your candidates will look to you for answers. To build the Arbonne team of your dreams a self funded proposal is a vital ingredient that can't be overlooked.

Ian Fitzpatrick knows that you can maximize the Arbonne Compensation plan by putting a self-funded proposal in play. The best one on the market to create 20-50 quality prospects daily is MLM Online Training Secrets.

For more information click here

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