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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A race car driver, a baseball pitcher and a sprinter: how to make money part III

The Race Car Driver:When a racecar driver traveling in excess of 100 miles per hour nearsa corner turn, one of the first things he/she does is turn their headin the desired direction they want the car to go.Like the racecar driver, if we focus on the wall, we will crash. Ifwe focus on negative news, we can allow ourselves to become soafraid, paralysis takes over, we focus on the wall, and we crash. Bybeing aware of negative things (the wall), and yet focus ourattention to where we want to go, we can navigate around thefinancial racetrack in a positive and powerful way.The Baseball Pitcher:A baseball pitcher while throwing the ball looks to where they wantthe ball to go. The target is usually the Catchers glove.Like the baseball pitcher, in order to strike the batter out we mustfocus our pitches to where the batter cannot hit the ball. Focusingon the objective allows us to change strategies while still focusingon the ultimate goal. We can throw a fastball, a curve or any otherpitch that will meet our objective. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds,real estate, and many other investments, are like the differentpitches we can use to meet our financial goals. The key is tomaintain our focus on the Catchers glove so we can throw strikes.The Sprinter:A sprinter when running a race looks at the finish line from thestart of the race until completion because any deviation from thatstraight line would add extra seconds to the race and could be thedifference between winning and losing. A sprinter does not lookaround to see what everyone else is doing because in doing so, theylose focus and valuable microseconds are lost. Time is a valuablecommodity in sprinting and money management. The sprinter can makeup valuable time if they don't get a good start, but cannot make upthe time if they lose focus during the race. If we don't get a goodstart with managing our money, we can make up the time by becomingfocused and running in a straight line towards our objectives. If welose focus, we lose the race.Like the sprinter, we all have individual races to run. Maintainingour focus on what we want to accomplish with our financial resourcesis as personal as a 100-meter dash. Our success is determined by howfocused we are.How to make money:Be a racecar driver, a baseball pitcher, and run like a sprinter.By focusing our minds on the important things like our faith, ourfamily, and our community, we can become better managers of ourfinancial resources, and ultimately have the life we always wanted.Until next timeM aximize your dreamsO rganize to overcome obstaclesN etwork to net worthE njoy the momentY ield and abundanceTodd A. WilliamsMoney CoachEnd**********************************************************************Resource:Todd A. Williams is an internationally known author and money coach.He appears on ABC Affiliate "Good Morning Cleveland."Subscribe to his free email moneytips at**********************************************************************

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