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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Send Out Cards Compensation Plan: Can I REALLY MAKE MONEY?

There are usually two questions that come to mind to every new distributor involved with Multilevel Marketing (MLM).

The first is "How can I can I make money the most money in the shortest amount of time?" The second is "How can I move as much product as possible?"

While there are a few key factors to your making money with any opportunity, my intention for writing this article is to help clarify your questions of how you can efficiently make money with Send Out Cards.

At first glance, the Send Out Cards compensation plan is pretty simple and straightforward.

However when we look a bit closer we see they have incorporated a variety of ways to bring in additional bonuses and thus additional income. According to the company website there are a few different ways to generate income but you most likely want to know the greatest and fastest way to get to the top .

So what does it take to climb the Send Out Cards compensation ladder?

Well,if you look closely, you'll see that the majority of their bonuses relate to getting fresh Send Out Cards distributors to sign up for the training programs. Send Out Cards representatives only earn about 3% of the volume of their retail volume and they are also not qualified to receive bonuses on the coaching programs or seminars.

It does not appear as if the Send Out Cards distributor would make very much money at first. Consequently some reps may end up quitting the business too soon and some may even claim there is a Send Out Cards Scam as regularly happens to business owner wannabe's when they learn work is involved.

Therefore to really begin to maximize your earnings you must rise to manager level. In order to attain this you must sign up twelve new distributors and personally train two. And of course, bringing in 12 customers is easier said then done especially if you do not know what you are doing. Now that know what I am doing I don't consider it difficult but I remember how hard it can be when you are new.

Once you become a Send Out Cards manager or senior manager you will in fact be earning more money from the bonuses of your training commissions. And with such an emphasis placed on training distributors, I would hope to experience above average recruiting results.

However according to some Send Out Distributors, it seems that your training can vary depending who trains you.Of course that can be either a good thing or a bad thing.

Unfortunate for new distributors whose trainer has not improved their marketing skills beyond company standards.

But fortunate for you if your trainer can teach your team some cutting edge marketing strategies over and above company standards.

Remember it's important that potential distributors can trust that you will do everything in your power to help them succeed within the company.
You will need to showcase your expertise during these training programs to achieve your goals.. It is by setting the example of a good leadership and improving your marketing skills that will allow you to take full advantage of the Send Out Cards compensation plan and earn higher commissions.

Bottom line, Send Out Cards can be a phenomenal opportunity if you understand how to build a business properly.

That's why I created this special training that can DRAMATICALLY change your Send Out Cards business. Make sure you claim your instant access to my 7 Day Mastery Marketing Bootcamp FREE Training Here.

For more information click here

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