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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

How to Make your Roof Environment Friendly

When choosing the right material for your roof, durability is the most important to think. However, because of the popularity of environment friendly products nowadays, another factor being considered by some people is whether the roof material is eco-friendly and energy efficient. Having an eco-friendly roof installed in your house comes with a lot of benefits.Some roofing materials are not good for the environment, such as asphalt. Asphalt is the most common roofing material used, but it's not eco-friendly. It's specifically not good for areas with hot climates, since it not often recyclable; it absorbs and traps heat for a long time. To make your roof energy efficient, here are some tips you can follow.*When installing a new roof, make sure that you choose material that has a reflective and light color. This color type does not absorb sunlight; rather, it resists or reflects it.* Install recycled shingles, such as asphalt. Recycled Asphalt Shingles can last for a very long time, which means you the money you will spend will be worth the product you'll get. Recycled shingles are getting prevalent nowadays because you don't need to worry about releasing dangerous chemicals when throwing them. * You can choose a metal roof instead of using shingles. Metal roofs do not absorb as much heat as shingles do. By choosing the right color, your metal roof will reflect sunlight and make your home cool. This means that you won't to install an air-conditioning unit, or if you have one, you won't be using it often and you can save on electricity and lower your electric bill. * Consider installing solar roof tiles. Because of the increasing popularity and demand in the market of solar roof tiles, a lot of designs and types are now available to choose from. Solar panels are great in hot areas like Fresno, because they protect the roof from the heat of the sun.* Clay roof tiles are also a good option because they are environment friendly, since they can be disposed of without the danger of discharging toxic chemicals in the environment. This type of roof can make your home cool because air is properly circulated. You can save the environment and save on electricity as well.The world is facing a serious problem with global warming and if we can help even in our own little way, it would make a big difference. Consider making your roof eco-friendly today with the help of your local roofing companies. In Fresno, there's only one company that have skilled roofers who also cares for the environment - Fresno Associated Roofers. Fresno Associated Roofers4863 N Arthur AveFresno, CA 93704(559) 315-2044

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